Monthly Physical & Mental Wellness Program with Walt's Waltz

Monthly Physical & Mental Wellness Program with Walt's Waltz

July 16, 2021

Join Walt’s Waltz & NAMI Greenville as together we host Monthly Physical & Mental Wellness Programs. We will have safe-space discussions and a special guest presenting wellness strategies. Please mark you calendars for this monthly event.


Special Guest Robyn Knox

Robyn Knox, SHRM-SCP, Registered Corporate Coach™, and self-proclaimed recovering workaholic, explores the causes of job burnout, as well as the impact it has on the affected individuals and organizations. She will share proven strategies that companies can implement to prevent burnout and improve retention of their employees. Robyn will also provide various self-care strategies for helping individuals build resilience and aid in the burnout recovery process.

About Our Featured Speaker

Robyn Knox is an independent Certified Coach, Trainer, and Speaker with The John Maxwell Team, and she is a Certified Partner with The Predictive Index, an independent Five Behaviors Authorized Partner, as well as an Everything DiSC® Authorized Partner and Certified Trainer.

Robyn is an experienced HR leader with over 25 years of human resources experience in the manufacturing industry. As an HR executive, Robyn developed innovative HR strategies across all facets of human resources.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 830 4361 4074
Passcode: Wellness

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